Ryan very excited about cracking an egg all by himself:

Cracking the egg...

Doing a little quality assurance:

Calvin getting in on the action:

Finished Product!

It says "We heart you, Elder Moore"

Cracking the egg...
Doing a little quality assurance:
Calvin getting in on the action:
Finished Product!
It says "We heart you, Elder Moore"
And in honor of Elder Moore, Ryan also wrote real letters and words for the very first time, which was pretty cute. Now every time I refer to him as "James", Ryan corrects me and says, "No, Mom, we call him Elder Moore now."
Here's Ryan, hard at work on the letter. As you can see, I wrote it out for him on a separate paper and he did his best to copy the letters:

Here is his 2 page letter! It says "Elder Moore, I Love You, Ryan."

Here is his 2 page letter! It says "Elder Moore, I Love You, Ryan."
We are so excited for James and Ryan is even getting excited to be a missionary, just like Elder Moore. We miss him already!
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