Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey there Dad. Well this week as been quite a hectic week but the fruits of our labors are finally starting to show...for a while thought we were not going to have any baptisms for this week. But out of the wood work came about 4 people who can be baptized this weekend (we`ve got 2 scheduled and 2 for the next weekend 3 of april.)So the next transfers are going to be on tyhe 7th of april. I`m kinda wanting to have a new area...hahah....4.5 months in one place is kinda long. Knocking the same doors just gets depressing....specially when they remember you and tell you that they still don`t want to listen. Oh well. Kinda hoping I can go to Moyobama....weathers a bit nicer (as it has been really hot this past week) and they have caves. Could be pretty fun :D The other day I bought fabric paint. Pretty excited to do something crafty for a change. Not quite sure what I`m going to do yet...but that`ll come later. Well anywho gotta run now...Talk to you guys later.

Elder Moore

Monday, March 1, 2010


WOOOO HOOOO!!! I finally  got the Chirstmas/Birthday packages and thanks a ton for all the goodies...It`s been a long time since I`ve been able to eat some good snacks...and good cookies (great job Chirsty!) as Peru is kinda lacking in the sweets department.

So I don`t remember if I told you but I`ll be staying in Tarapoto for another 6 weeks! Should be kinda cool well kinda hot at the same time. But anyways this month the goals for the mission are to break every record in every area...which means the goal for my comp and I will be 10 baptisms this month. Well anywho gotta get going now! I`ll write some more next week.

Elder Moore! guys can email me more pictures too....the new mail system`s got 7 gb